The Best Tools for Debugging Your Website

The Best Tools for Debugging Your Website

Debugging Websites: A Necessary Part of Development and How to Do It Effectively


Many developers consider debugging a last resort, something to do only when there is no other solution. But debugging is a necessary part of any development process. For example, bugs in the code can lead to performance issues, security vulnerabilities, and even crashes on your website. These problems can be costly for businesses and their customers alike.

In this article, we'll look at the best tools for debugging websites and how they can help you solve those pesky bugs that seem impossible to track down!

What is debugging?

Debugging is the process of finding and fixing problems in code. It's a problem-solving process, which can be difficult and frustrating.

Debugging is done by software developers, but it's also something you can do yourself as a website owner or manager. You may want to learn how to debug your website if you're having trouble with something that's not working correctly on your site (a common issue for anyone who uses WordPress).

The problem-solving process.

The problem-solving process.

Let's take a closer look at the steps:

  • Identify the problem. This is what we're going to do today! You'll want to write down the symptoms of your website's issues so you can refer back to them later.

  • Ask why the problem exists: What factors led up to this point? Why was there an issue in the first place? How did it happen, and how could it have been prevented?

  • Find a solution: Once you've identified what went wrong and why it's time for action—you need some solutions! Now that you know what went wrong and why think about ways that could have been avoided or reduced in severity or frequency if someone had known about them beforehand... Then find ways around those problems (or avoid them altogether). For example, let's say that one of our users complained about encountering an error message when trying to view their profile page even though they were logged in; this may be caused by another user who has already created an account with their email address, so there are two accounts associated with one name instead of just one person owning both versions."

Critical concepts in website debugging.

When you're debugging, it's essential to have clear strategies. Clear communication is vital. Clear documentation is critical. And so on. The same goes for goals, priorities, and roles.

You should also be aware of expectations: if you expect something to happen in a certain way, but it doesn't happen that way—or worse yet, it happens unexpectedly—it'll throw your debugging off course. And don't forget metrics! If there aren't any metrics associated with "the user experience, " how do you know if things are getting better or worse?

The importance of straightforward strategies.

  • Always have a strategy. A good plan is like a roadmap for your content strategy that helps you stay focused and avoid getting distracted by shiny objects or projects that aren't mission-critical.

  • Strategies help you prioritize what to do first, so you're not wasting time doing things that are less important than other things that need doing.

  • Strategies let you know when it's OK to say no to new projects (yes, this will happen).

Types of tools used to debug websites.

  • Browser developer tools are built into browsers like Chrome and Firefox, and developers use them to debug websites.

  • Web development tools are standalone applications that allow you to debug websites. They're more potent than browser dev tools because they let you view your code in real time while running on a server and then make changes without reloading the page every time.

How to use browser development tools (aka dev tools).

Browser development tools are used to diagnose, fix and test websites. These tools have been around for years and have become a staple of website development. They allow you to see what's going on with your website regarding resources, performance, and user interaction. Browser development tools are available in all major browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) and can be accessed through their respective menu options: File > Inspect Element.

They are fixing bugs using browser dev tools.

The developer tools in your browser are essential for debugging your website. You can find these by opening Chrome, then clicking on the three dots icon in the top right corner of your browser and selecting "Developer Tools."

You'll see a panel on the right side of your screen that contains all kinds of information about what happens when you visit a page on your site—like how long it takes for certain elements to load or how many bytes are being downloaded per second.

The most valuable part of this panel is probably its JavaScript console, which will tell you if any errors are happening behind the scenes during page loading or interaction. It might look like this:

When to ask for help and how to describe your problem.

  • When you're stuck, the most important thing to remember when asking for help is that you need to go through the problem yourself. Before asking for support, try to work out the issue and how to fix it. If you can't find an answer, it's time to ask someone else.

  • They describe the problem in a clear and precise way. One of the most common reasons people don't get good answers from their peers is because they haven't clearly expressed their questions or described what they want help with. You must make use of all of these tools when describing your issue!

  • Using correct terminology: For example, instead of saying, "I want this block header image centered," say, "I want this image centered in my header." Suppose everyone uses different language when talking about web design problems. In that case, it can become confusing and complicated for people who don't know much about web design (like me!) to understand what others are discussing! So please try not to mix up terms like left/right/center—they mean different things depending on the context!

If you approach debugging systematically, the solution is always within reach.

Debugging is a systematic process that involves identifying and fixing problems. This way, debugging is a problem-solving process that helps you create and maintain a functional website. It's not just about finding bugs — it's about ensuring your website works as it should.


Debugging is a skill that you can learn and improve with practice. Like any skill, it requires patience and persistence to master. But after reading this post, you should have a good idea of what debugging is all about—and how to use the right tools for the job! Debugging can be fun and rewarding, especially when it helps bring your website to life. So get started now with these tips, and don't forget: always keep calm when troubleshooting an issue or problem!